Art Lab for All

Video lab screening

Race your voice! Workshop 2016

August 16th, 2016 by l1zk_P | Comments Off on Race your voice! Workshop 2016

Art lab for all Workshops aim above all to give access to artistic practices and create the reflection needed to construct a better world. We use creativity as a tool to handle new situations, such as migration, discrimination, conflicts or generally how we relate to one another through our bodies, nature and the world. Because […]

Video lab screening at RFSL

November 8th, 2014 by l1zk_P | Comments Off on Video lab screening at RFSL

The end of the Video lab have came, on 31st of October 2014, we have done a screening show at RFSL in Stockholm. Most of the participants were presents and they could seen their own stories on video. That was a fantastic night to encorage all the group to participate in more coming workshops at RFSL Video […]

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