Category Archives: News

Art Lab for all at the Swedish school 2017 – Now

Art Lab has been creatively collaborating with F-9 schools in Stockholm, implementing programs focused on visual arts and design to promote integration, inclusion, and combat racism. This has been a challenging task, particularly due to the significant cultural diversity in schools in the southwestern areas of Stockholm, specifically in Alby and Skärholmen. These areas are home to youth groups who are often at risk of falling into criminality.

The effort to provide creativity as an alternative outlet to the different lifestyles in this context is scarce but immensely valuable when successful. The creative program developed by Art Lab aims to foster spaces of equality and inclusion, where students can become aware of their rights, responsibilities, and the consequences of their actions in society, starting at school.

This intense work, carried out over more than 7 years with hundreds of students from diverse backgrounds here in Stockholm, can be explored further on Instagram: @art_lab_for_all

Race your voice! Workshop, 2016

13631536_2309104802561693_2904724947992419785_n Art lab for all Workshops aim above all to give access to artistic practices and create the reflection needed to build a better world. We use creativity as a tool to handle new situations, such as migration, discrimination, conflicts or generally how we relate to one another through our bodies, nature and the world. We did story telling, drawing and sing together. The workshop was directed only to the women group: Ingen människa är illegal from Stockholm.

Because your voice matters!                                                       

Date: Wednesday 13th of july

Time: 17:00 to 19:00 pm

Place: Subtopia,

Rotemannavägen 10, Norsborg 

“Home, swede home” Video Lab at RFSL

Under hösten 2014 hade vi ett mindre pilotprojekt med videolab för Newcomers ( i samarbete med Art Lab for All och RFSL. I det deltog 15 hbtq- personer från RFSL Newcomers (asylsökande) under 8 sessioner, 2 timmar per session. Projektet kallades “Home, swede home” . Det resulterade i 10 berättelser, där varje individ haft möjlighet att göra en berättelse om sitt liv sen de anlände till Sverige genom fotografi.

Processen inleddes med en diskussion om temat och storyboard, som ett pedagogiskt sätt att strukturera de personliga berättelserna. Deltagarna valde 10 fotografiska scener och gjorde en berättelse baserad på storyboarden. Berättelsen dokumenterades på video. Deltagarna samarbetade med varandra och alla bidrog till det slutgiltiga resultatet. Deltagarna använde verktyg som de lärnt sig under processen, för att göra sina röster hörda och öka sin synlighet.


Genom berättande av sitt förflutna, nutid och framtid uttrycktes orättvisor och förtryck fråm deltagarnas hemländer runt om i världen, främst på grund av sin sexuella läggning, och även svårigheter under asylprocessen i Sverige.

Alla deltog aktivt och kreativt i strukturerandet av de personliga berättelserna. Alla inblandade hjälpte varandra och därigenom stärktes relationerna inom gruppen. Tolerans och demokrati dominerade varje aktivitet. Resultaten är baserat på processen och en konkret visuellt format. Deltagarna har undersökt olika sätt att kommunicera verktyg och att hitta sina personliga uttryck när gruppen hjälper varandra.

Workshops är framtagna av konstnären och konstpedagogen Liz K. Peñuela som har 8 års erfarenhet som koordinator av kreativa projekt för barn, ungdomar och vuxna. Hon tror på den konstnärliga och kreativa potentialen hos varje enskild individ på jorden.

My health, my rights! Lab at RFSL

Art Lab for All collaborated with the project “My Health, My Rights,” developed by Interfem in 2015. The workshops were conducted with a newcomers’ group at RFSL. This winter, Art Lab for All’s creative workshops focused on themes of equality, justice, and inclusion from the perspective of asylum seekers within the LGBTQ+ community

We have a variety of formats in the workshops, the theater pieces, the drawings, the radio channel, the poems and narrations from a diverse group that have a lot of necesities and unequal treatment when we talked about health in Sweden. The project is going to do a publication to help newcommers in the same situations or similar.

Video lab screening at RFSL

The end of the Video lab have came, on 31st of October 2014, we have done a screening show at RFSL in Stockholm. Most of the participants were presents and they could seen their own stories on video. That was a fantastic night to encorage all the group to participate in more coming workshops at RFSL


Video Lab have produce his own space of knoledge, collaboration, creativity, socialization and interaction between the group. Art lab Can’t wait to 2015 and bring more creative wokshops to RFSL, and overall to the great Newcomers group! 

Big thanks to all of you that were interested in follow all the 8 sessions of Video lab. Hurra!
